I can't believe it has been a year since i wrote on this blog.
So this time last year, I was living in Shoreditch, working for a completely different company and single.
Almost one year to the day later, I now live in South London, work somewhere else and well am still single but I had a great relationship for most of 2009 that only came to an end a few weeks ago having run its course basically.
Clearly I can't fit 12 months into one blog post....so may just start this blog again!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 22, 2008
Blog subjects
So I decided my blog needs to have a theme:
thinking about all the things I have coming up in 2009 and all the things I love here are a few open suggestions:
1. 52 weeks of inappropriate crushes.....
2. 52 weeks of the hottest men in 2009 (dominated by Adrian of course...)
3. A diary of how someone with no will power WHATSOEVER kept up her gym membership and curbed the boozing
4. Keeping the New Year resolutions
4. How to live a frugal 'credit crunch savvy' life as a 28 year old media working, London living, party girl (I live off pitta and hummus....and try to go to as many parties as possible with free booze - so that's that blog covered)
I think I need to go back to the drawing board...
thinking about all the things I have coming up in 2009 and all the things I love here are a few open suggestions:
1. 52 weeks of inappropriate crushes.....
2. 52 weeks of the hottest men in 2009 (dominated by Adrian of course...)
3. A diary of how someone with no will power WHATSOEVER kept up her gym membership and curbed the boozing
4. Keeping the New Year resolutions
4. How to live a frugal 'credit crunch savvy' life as a 28 year old media working, London living, party girl (I live off pitta and hummus....and try to go to as many parties as possible with free booze - so that's that blog covered)
I think I need to go back to the drawing board...
Nearly Christmas

So I have not written on this for a while. Do you find December is just a blur? I am not really sure what happened!!!! My housemates are out at various things this evening and so I have the house to myself.
I realised today I had a lot to be grateful for. I got up early and hit Oxford Street (no queues at 11am!) to do the last of the Christmas shopping.
I then went to my lovely gym and did a good work out (still can't get the hang of those figure of 8 moves for my abs though). I then came home and made dinner for myself with a Gin and Tonic in my hand before flaking on the sofa to watch my new DVDs (OK I admit I probably spent as much on myself this morning as everyone else!)
I got a few films I want in my collection which were on sale, an eclectic mix....
- Devil Wears Prada
- Anchorman (I love it, all the one-liners remind me of fun times with friends)
- Breakfast at Tiffany's
- Blow
- Walk the Line
So am now working my way through them - seen them all before of course, but nice to spend an evening just chilling out in the midst of the Christmas 'chaos hurricane'.
I also today transferred all the important dates - birthdays, anniversaries etc. from my 2008 to 2009 diary. Made me realise it has been to all intents and purposes a 'good year'. I wonder what 2009 will bring..... Adrian Grenier hopefully!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Productive weekend???????

Strange weekend.
Friday night I found myself at a party which would have not looked out of place in an episode of Jackass. Having crawled into bed at 6am I decided I needed to spend the rest of the weekend sobering up.
As a result spent Saturday evening curled up on the sofa, eating take away and chilling out.
Just got back from watching Choke , I enjoyed it, although Chuck Palahnuik has not really broken the mould - its like the sex version of Fight Club.
The other thing I did today was make my Christmas list - I think I can buy the majority online which was the aim. NOT a fan of Christmas shopping in London. It is fine when you don't actually have to buy anything, just wander around the shops, but the sheer crowds of people make 'purposeful' shopping a nightmare.
Never got around to buying some Spanish language books, but I did get a haircut which was one of the things on my to do list so that's a winner. Although it does make me look like a cross between Suri Cruise (albeit slightly taller) and a French exchange student - c'est tres chic but will not be in the morning when I attenpt to blow dry it myself!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sober and grown up - moi!
So the not drinking is going well (but as my housemate pointed out, most people would be impressed if I had not had a drink for three weeks, not three days).
I also gave people some good advice today - about work and relationships and it was really odd. I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. I guess I am becoming a grown up after all. Scary stuff!
On a completelely seperate note, I dreamt that I went to the library last night and found a Spanish textbook (also dreamt my grandads house got flooded but guess that is a whole other story!!!!)
So this weekend I am definitely going to buy a Spanish language course. I need to start ticking off my to-do list, rather than just watching it grow on a daily basis -I seem to spend more time worrying about my work to-do list than the one that deals with my personal projects. I need to find some balance!
So the Spanish is the first on the list! Hmm should be interesting!
I also gave people some good advice today - about work and relationships and it was really odd. I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. I guess I am becoming a grown up after all. Scary stuff!
On a completelely seperate note, I dreamt that I went to the library last night and found a Spanish textbook (also dreamt my grandads house got flooded but guess that is a whole other story!!!!)
So this weekend I am definitely going to buy a Spanish language course. I need to start ticking off my to-do list, rather than just watching it grow on a daily basis -I seem to spend more time worrying about my work to-do list than the one that deals with my personal projects. I need to find some balance!
So the Spanish is the first on the list! Hmm should be interesting!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Christian the Lion - I love it (apologies for the music!)
OK, so this is a little cheesy, admittedly, but it is such a great story and the Born Free Foundation is a great cause. It made me smile anyway!
The New TFL advert: Awareness Test
This is the new TFL advert, its gone everywhere today. Have a watch and see how you do! Very clever and gets the message across.
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