Sunday, November 23, 2008

Productive weekend???????

Strange weekend.

Friday night I found myself at a party which would have not looked out of place in an episode of Jackass. Having crawled into bed at 6am I decided I needed to spend the rest of the weekend sobering up.

As a result spent Saturday evening curled up on the sofa, eating take away and chilling out.

Just got back from watching Choke , I enjoyed it, although Chuck Palahnuik has not really broken the mould - its like the sex version of Fight Club.

The other thing I did today was make my Christmas list - I think I can buy the majority online which was the aim. NOT a fan of Christmas shopping in London. It is fine when you don't actually have to buy anything, just wander around the shops, but the sheer crowds of people make 'purposeful' shopping a nightmare.

Never got around to buying some Spanish language books, but I did get a haircut which was one of the things on my to do list so that's a winner. Although it does make me look like a cross between Suri Cruise (albeit slightly taller) and a French exchange student - c'est tres chic but will not be in the morning when I attenpt to blow dry it myself!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sober and grown up - moi!

So the not drinking is going well (but as my housemate pointed out, most people would be impressed if I had not had a drink for three weeks, not three days).

I also gave people some good advice today - about work and relationships and it was really odd. I sounded like I knew what I was talking about. I guess I am becoming a grown up after all. Scary stuff!

On a completelely seperate note, I dreamt that I went to the library last night and found a Spanish textbook (also dreamt my grandads house got flooded but guess that is a whole other story!!!!)

So this weekend I am definitely going to buy a Spanish language course. I need to start ticking off my to-do list, rather than just watching it grow on a daily basis -I seem to spend more time worrying about my work to-do list than the one that deals with my personal projects. I need to find some balance!

So the Spanish is the first on the list! Hmm should be interesting!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christian the Lion - I love it (apologies for the music!)

OK, so this is a little cheesy, admittedly, but it is such a great story and the Born Free Foundation is a great cause. It made me smile anyway!

The New TFL advert: Awareness Test

This is the new TFL advert, its gone everywhere today. Have a watch and see how you do! Very clever and gets the message across.

Day Two - no alcohol (and I am proud of this fact......)

The fact I am quite proud to have got through 48 hours without any alcohol sadly says a lot about my recent partying lifestyle!

So I think as I have only just got this blog up and running I need to talk a bit more about why I am writing one - pouring my heart out to cyber space!

I also now officially have my first follower - welcome Suz! so I feel a bit more like I have to introduce myself rather than just ramble on.

I want to keep this blog relatively anonymous, for two reasons. The first is the obvious one - if I have had a bad day in the office I can rant about it here without fear of losing my job! The same goes for my feelings on men, family, money etc.

The second reason is that I am, right now, nobody special. I am of course special to some people - my parents, my best friends, but as a general rule my life is no better, no worse, no more privileged than the average 28 year old girl (hmm probably a woman by now) trying to make a living and more importantly a life in London.

So here is where I am:

Job - tick, love my job, I am good at it and it is good fun and for now that's all I want to say

Home - tick, I live with my flatmates in Central London. We like each other, we socialise and we can all cook. Even more importantly we have a cleaner so we never fall out about cleaning the bathroom.

Family & friends -biggggg tick, I am very close to my family and am fortunate to have a lot of good friends - some party friends, some chat-to-once-a-week-on-the-phone-friends and some best friends

Relationship - big fat uh-uh. My love life is currently tumbleweed and has been for some time (August, who's counting?) but I have tried all the cheesy singles things, speed dating, blind dates, even internet dating and none felt right, although I know they have been a great success for others. I think I am prepared to hold out for Prince Charming to walk through that bar door (clearly I will be drinking again by then!)

Money - I don't have any, who does at the moment?

So, having said all that -- I guess I am just like everyone else. What makes me different?????? and that my friends is the reason I have started this blog, because I want to try to work it out by the time I hit 30........ so that gives me just under 2 years (1 year, 10 months and 10 days to be exact) And whilst I am sorting my life out I intend to capture all the good bits right here. Starting today... well tomorrow, as think I have done enough jabbering for one night (!)

S x

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hope it is still funny sober!

DAY ONE - Off to The Comedy Store with the girls tonight for our weekly Sunday night outing. Usually I like to watch comedy with white wine in hand and even some sort of snack. Given I am on DAY ONE of my no alcohol, not very many carbs crusade, will be interesting to see if my resolve holds out! If I falter on the first day then I am officially rubbish!

Also slightly concerned I have not given myself a deadline of when I will start boozing again. Hmmm lets say next Saturday for now and see how that pans out (what I never said I was doing it for 365 days!!!)

Shirley Temple

Someone once told me if you wanted to challenge yourself to a task you never thought you would complete then you need to tell everyone what it is so your pride is at stake.

So here I am telling the world that I am giving up booze.

My beautiful cosmopolitans, lovely bubbly champers, the 'oh my god had the day from hell' glass of cheap white plonk in the dodgy bar near work. It is coming to an end and day one

Monday, November 10, 2008

Kamikaze - the drink, not the pilots

Raining. First day back in the office. Eating my feelings with half a white toastie loaf and a jar of Nutella. Actually, that bit is not too bad......

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Martini - Only Bond has his shaken

Went to see Quantum of Solace this evening on my weekly 'date' night with the girls. It was good, if you like that sort of thing.

Daniel Craig is definitely growing on me - loved this part of the movie. Her dress is gorgeous even after she fell out of a plane in it and trudged through the desert.