Monday, December 22, 2008

Blog subjects

So I decided my blog needs to have a theme:
thinking about all the things I have coming up in 2009 and all the things I love here are a few open suggestions:

1. 52 weeks of inappropriate crushes.....
2. 52 weeks of the hottest men in 2009 (dominated by Adrian of course...)
3. A diary of how someone with no will power WHATSOEVER kept up her gym membership and curbed the boozing
4. Keeping the New Year resolutions
4. How to live a frugal 'credit crunch savvy' life as a 28 year old media working, London living, party girl (I live off pitta and hummus....and try to go to as many parties as possible with free booze - so that's that blog covered)

I think I need to go back to the drawing board...

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