The fact I am quite proud to have got through 48 hours without any alcohol sadly says a lot about my recent partying lifestyle!
So I think as I have only just got this blog up and running I need to talk a bit more about why I am writing one - pouring my heart out to cyber space!
I also now officially have my first follower - welcome
Suz! so I feel a bit more like I have to introduce myself rather than just ramble on.
I want to keep this blog relatively anonymous, for two reasons. The first is the obvious one - if I have had a bad day in the office I can rant about it here without fear of losing my job! The same goes for my feelings on men, family, money etc.
The second reason is that I am, right now, nobody special. I am of course special to some people - my parents, my best friends, but as a general rule my life is no better, no worse, no more privileged than the average 28 year old girl (hmm probably a woman by now) trying to make a living and more importantly a life in London.
So here is where I am:
Job - tick, love my job, I am good at it and it is good fun and for now that's all I want to say
Home - tick, I live with my flatmates in Central London. We like each other, we socialise and we can all cook. Even more importantly we have a cleaner so we never fall out about cleaning the bathroom.
Family & friends -biggggg tick, I am very close to my family and am fortunate to have a lot of good friends - some party friends, some chat-to-once-a-week-on-the-phone-friends and some best friends
Relationship - big fat uh-uh. My love life is currently tumbleweed and has been for some time (August, who's counting?) but I have tried all the cheesy singles things, speed dating, blind dates, even internet dating and none felt right, although I know they have been a great success for others. I think I am prepared to hold out for Prince Charming to walk through that bar door (clearly I will be drinking again by then!)
Money - I don't have any, who does at the moment?
So, having said all that -- I guess I am just like everyone else. What makes me different?????? and that my friends is the reason I have started this blog, because I want to try to work it out by the time I hit 30........ so that gives me just under 2 years (1 year, 10 months and 10 days to be exact) And whilst I am sorting my life out I intend to capture all the good bits right here. Starting today... well tomorrow, as think I have done enough jabbering for one night (!)
S x